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March 15, 2010

Peptide Band

Seriously, what kind of people in their right mind would ever consider naming themselves as that if not geeks right? =) These four geeks but, at the same time, cool guys make up the newest band in town (alma mater, actually) which girls scream their tonsils out for. I am currently racking my brain off coming up with a single viable reason why girls in your college would willingly torture their voices just for you guys. Anyway, I love you Peptide Band! Feel na feel! Left in awe with your hidden talents, confidence and apparent charisma. You even have a building fans club for goodness sake and, mind you, I’ll be signing up as a fan too. Just remember to pinpoint me from the crowd and dedicate at least one song for me if ever Peptide Band got discovered. I guarantee you that it would be more than enough for me. Haha!


Steph Chua said...

PEPTIDE BAND? GEEZ they should have just named themselves alkylation.. sounds so much cooler if I were to name my band haha

Lav Acacio said...

At least they still have the creativity to not name their group chemical band or triple "band" 'cause that would be a major laugh trip! Haha

Steph Chua said...

Haha ditto on that! i will resurrect it :)
send me the instructions ah thanks!

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