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April 19, 2010


I have been considering pursuing my dream job these past few days despite the fact that I am not sure how I will be able to go through it in the future. I am currently driven by passion and I want to start it while the fire is still burning within me. The spark started when I had stumbled upon a list of jobs that they have for freelance writers itemizing thoroughly what they want from them and how much they are willing to pay the writer for the articles they had produced. I was amazed that the spark had grown to be so much more. I suddenly realized, why not pursue it? The pay may not be that appealing for now but I believe that this ground will be a good starting point for me as a writer. I can already sense all the learning that I might get from this experience. Sometimes in life, you must go through the hard way, for you to grow even more as an individual and for you to appreciate even more the things that you will be acquiring from all those hard work and sacrifice you put in to get to the top, to be where you want to be. I may not be the best in the current field for now but I believe that, in time, I will be able to penetrate then the field. And if ever it did not worked out for me, no big deal for I will just charge the time spent to experience and further development to be the best in the art. Other than that, I will be a happier being for there's nothing more fulfilling than knowing that you have chased after a precious dream during your lifetime. No regrets, no harm done.


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