Woke up earlier in a Sunday morning, surprised on how much I have been dreaming just about anything under the sun lately. My dreams do not fail to leave me restless though and had been giving me the same feeling, time and time again, for almost three days now. I am wondering now, why restless out of all the feelings known by the world?
I was quite ready to spend another aimless day today but had later been struck by an enticing idea for myself while surfing the world wide web. A career track that I will surely enjoy but needs time to develop and furnish given the lack of experience and training I have to be competitive in the field. It was the nth time these past few weeks that I had been waking up later than usual. Well, waking up for me lately is a long process, even with the alarm.
We had been going to church late in the afternoon these past few Sundays now and doing so is starting to become quite of a drag already because of the time but nonetheless, the fidelity of hearing the mass overcomes the laziness that we are feeling.
The homily earlier is all about destroying the fence that we had been building around our hearts to allow Christ in all areas of our life and how love postpones. Majority of us had already been caught up in our own little world with our successes and our dreams, that we tend to forgot the more important things in our lives like our families and the relationship that we ought to build with each and everyone of them. Isn't it funny that we are most of the time postponing our time for these important things in our lives and giving much attention to things that will not matter eventually?
Moreover, most of the time, you have to go out of your way if you want to genuinely help people in need. The opportunity to help someone will not be knocking on your door but instead, be the one to find the opportunity and present yourself to it.
During the ride home, the talk diverted to being financially literate like my father. My mom always tell us that my father does not earn that much but he always make it a point to keep a percentage of it in the bank. Even at a young age, it was instilled into us the saying that it is never about what you earn but what you save that matters. Just lately have I come to realize that the saving should not be the endpoint of the cycle. Yes, saving is a good thing but we should endlessly think about ways on how to make use of the money to grow and not be stagnant. We should know how and where to invest it because money would really take us to far places if we know how to use the tool wisely. Let us make it a goal to make money work for us, not the other way around.
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