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August 13, 2010

Of City Walks, Cravings and Cheap Thrills

Hello, guys! Got here in Singapore just yesterday. Today is a more wonderful day though since I got a chance to aimlessly roam around the city as opposed to yesterday when I just slept in the whole day and pigged out.
Say what?!
It is a shame really when you are in another place and dimension but please spare me those puzzled looks that you are planning to give off since I was just really deeead tired and exhausted yesterday.
We went to City Hall and visited Funan DigitaLife Mall to just look around for the latest gadgets there are. The mall is a one-stop shop of electronic gadgets and houses every IT gadget imaginable! A true playground for the IT enthusiasts. Hurt my feet on the process though and got dizzy because of the hugeness of the mall! Add to it the fact that my brother looks into every shop he passes by. Anyway, I walked out of the store having this Samsung portable external drive on hand.

Its cuteness does not stop on the fact that it is pink. Have you not seen what I am talking about just yet? No? Yes? Have you seen it now? Take a closer look.
There are a gazillion cute, little hearts in there! So charming for an external drive right?

On Loving the Country

I love Singapore.
I have always been in awe of how organized their systems are.
My jaw amazingly dropped to the floor upon seeing how systematized they are the first time I visit the country; since I am a FIlipino and an awful lack of discipline and order had already been a common sight for me it is no surprise really to get so enamoured by it. But there had actually been moments, during my last few visits though, when I have already grown sooo fed up about how overly disciplined the whole of Singapore is. It just became so predictable for me. Anyway those are just bouts, I would still choose, hands down, overly disciplined than no discipline at all.
I love how you could take your serendipity walks at any time of the day and never feel unsecured or just plain frightened while taking those.
I loooove their food! I actually ate two of my ultimate fave dishes for lunch today.
IMG_2929 IMG_2931
Kway Teow (top) and Hokkien Mee (bottom) goodness!
I am thinking of doing a little post about the must-eat dishes here in Singapore later this week, so watch out for it!
Anyway, I will be leaving you a number of photos my mom and brother took while we roam around the city. Hope you all had a good day today!
These cute kids were so game to pose. I simply love their readiness for the camera. Say cheese!


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